Isolation Transformers

Isolation transformers are useful for sensitive equipment such as computers and other IT equipment where isolation may be an advantage. Ratings are based on an intermittent duty cycle of 50%. In practice this means ‘half hour on – half hour off’.

Isolation Transformers

240V Step-down to 100V or 115V to allow use of most USA appliances and machines.

Rating (Watts) Construction Order Code Outlets Weight (kg)
100 CASED MAI/100/2 2 4.0
200 CASED MAI/200/2 2 5.5
500 CASED MAI/500/2 2 7.5
1000 CASED MAI/1000/2 2 11.0
2000 CASED MAI/2000/2 2 16.5

Price list: Atlantic Prices Jan24

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